Relevant Projects
The GRyCAP has participated and led many projects in the area of distributed computing, with a clear focus on Cloud computing. This page summarises the most relevant ones.
The AI4EOSC (AI for the European Open Science Cloud) project aims to deliver an enhanced set of services for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models and applications. This is to be reached by increasing the service offered in the EU landscape by expanding the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ecosystem (read more).
Computing Intensive Platform with Graphic Accelerators (GPUs) for Personalized Medicine
This project, funded by the Valencian Authorities and the European Research and Development Funds, aims at building and exploiting a computing platform to enable early diagnosis and detection of cardiac diseases, the prediction o therapy outcomes ant the speed-up of the process of identifying genes correlated with a higher risk of suffering heart diseases (read more).
INDIGO – DataCloud develops an open source data and computing platform targeted at scientific communities, deployable on multiple hardware and provisioned over hybrid, private or public, e-infrastructures. By filling existing gaps in PaaS and SaaS levels, INDIGO-DataCloud will help developers, resources providers, e-infrastructures and scientific communities to overcome current challenges in the Cloud computing, storage and network areas.
DEEP Hybrid DataCloud project supports intensive computing techniques that require specialized HPC hardware, like GPUs or low-latency interconnects, to explore very large datasets. A Hybrid Cloud approach enables the access to such resources that are not easily reachable by the researchers at the scale needed in the current EU e-infrastructure. Under the common label of “DEEP as a Service”, a set of building blocks that enable the easy development of applications requiring these techniques are developed: deep learning using neural networks, parallel post-processing of very large data, and analysis of massive online data streams.
The EC-funded project EOSC-hub project brings together an extensive group of national and international service providers to create the Hub: a central contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. The consortium of 100 partners from more than 50 countries will develop the vision of the Hub as the integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud. The EOSC-hub project mobilises providers from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and other major European research infrastructures to deliver a common catalogue of research data, services and software for research.
ATMOSPHERE (Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing) is an EU-Brazil collaborative project aiming at the design and development of an ecosystem of a framework, platform and application of next-generation trustworthy cloud services on top of an intercontinental hybrid and federated resource pool.
The GRyCAP is a subcontractor in the SME Instrument EU project QUIBIM Precision®. QUIBIM Precision is a medically-certified and cost-effective platform in the cloud for the automated analysis of imaging biomarkers. The GRyCAP leads the design and implementation of a novel elastic and efficient back-end for public and on-premise clouds.EGI-Engage will accelerate advancements across the EGI Infrastructure in strategy, policy, business and technical innovation, user engagement towards researchers within the long-tail of science, domain-specific research communities, Research Infrastructures (RIs) within the ESFRI roadmap, as well as SMEs and industry at large. The mission is to accelerate the implementation of the Open Science Commons by expanding the capabilities of a European backbone of federated services for computing, storage, data, communication, knowledge and expertise, complementing community-specific capabilities
EUBRA-BIGSEA provides an integrated, elastic and dynamic big data cloud platform to address knowledge discovery by tackling data volume, variety, velocity and veracity issues as well as privacy, security and QoS challenges.
EUBrazil Cloud Connect is a project funded under the second Eu-Brazil coordinated call under the topic a) Cloud computing for Science. It aims to create an intercontinental federated e-Infrastructure for scientific usage. This e-Infrastructure will join resources from different frameworks, like private clouds, supercomputing and opportunistic desktop resources to offer the community high-level scientific gateways and programming models.
Terapia y monitorización neurológica con técnicas físicas múltiples (IDIFEDER/2021/004)
El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar técnicas de imagen y terapia aplicadas al campo neurológico desde diferentes aproximaciones: tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET), resonancia magnética (MRI), terapia e imagen ultrasónicas (US), terapia hadrónica (HT) y técnicas combinadas. (ver más)