Deploy on on-premises, public and scientific Clouds, and container orchestration platforms.
Plugins available for OpenNebula, OCCI, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, FogBow, T-Systems OTC, OpenStack, libvirt and EGI Federated Cloud.
Deploy virtual infrastructures that span across multiple providers.
Powered by Ansible, the IM provides recipes for common deployments (Hadoop clusters, etc.).
Featuring a CLI, a web GUI, an XML-RPC service API and a REST API. It supports OASIS TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML
Developed in Python, hosted in GitHub and distributed under the GNU GPL v3.0. Docker images for the IM server and IM web are available.
Tel: (+34) 963 87 70 07 Ext. 88254
Camino de Vera Road, Building 8B, Door N, 1st Floor,
Valencia City, Valencia 46022
Copyright © 2025, GRyCAP-I3M-UPV, Universitat Politècnica de València - 46022, Valencia, Spain